Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. In the United States, approximately 1.9% of the population 40 years old and above have Glaucoma.
It is a group of eye conditions that results in progressive damage to the optic nerve and, thus, the vision. While anyone can develop Glaucoma, some risk factors include elevated eye pressure, family history, age, and race.
The damage that occurs is most often related to an abnormally high pressure in the eye. With many types of Glaucoma, including the most common type, you may have no warning signs.
The damage occurs gradually, and you may not notice until the vision loss is severe. Because vision loss due to Glaucoma cannot be recovered, it is important to get evaluated regularly by your ophthalmologist.
We will check your pressure and evaluate the optic nerve head and visual field using the most up-to-date technology.
If we are concerned about potential Glaucoma, we may simply observe your eyes closely over time and do regular testing.
If we determine you have Glaucoma, we will develop a personalized treatment plan for your eyes to halt or limit the progression of the disease.
This often starts with drops and/or laser treatment, but in more severe cases can require surgery. Once diagnosed with Glaucoma, you will generally need treatment for the rest of your life to prevent visual loss long term.
Providing ophthalmology services including treatment for cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy to Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Wheeling, and the surrounding communities.
If you have a history of eye disease, we recommend making regular appointments and following up as your ophthalmologist advises. Call now for more information or to schedule an appointment.
If you are having eye discomfort or trouble with your vision, schedule an appointment with your ophthalmologist. Health conditions, like high blood pressure or diabetes, increase your risk for certain diseases. If you have questions or think you might need to see an ophthalmologist, call for more information.
Don’t forget to wear protective eyewear during activities like mowing the grass, doing construction work, or playing sports. If you wear contacts, take steps to prevent eye infections. Wash your hands before handling your contacts or touching your eyes, and be sure to replace them regularly.
Dr. Kozlov is a Board Certified Ophthalmologist who specializes in Corneal and External Disease, and Comprehensive Eye Care. She has been practicing Ophthalmology for over 20 years and has been practicing in The Northwest Suburbs of Chicago since 2003.