Do your eyes burn, sting, or feel as though you have gravel in them? Are you light sensitive? Have difficulty reading, watching TV, using the computer for an extended period of time due to burning eyes or intermittent, blurry vision?
Do you have trouble wearing your contact lenses for more than a short period of time due to irritation and foreign body sensation? Do fans or wind bother your eyes? You are not alone. You could be suffering from dry eyes.
Between 16 and 49 million Americans suffer from Dry Eye Syndrome. This is a condition in which either the amount of tears that bathe your eyes is insufficient or the quality of tears that bathe your eyes is poor, or both! Either way, the result is a vicious cycle of red, irritated, blurry, light-sensitive, even teary eyes that is made worse by use!
In severe cases, it can certainly cause blindness, but more often it is a source of significant frustration that disrupts your life and interferes with your ability to maintain your ideal level of daily activity.
Many variables factor into the severity of your dry eyes. We will evaluate, consider, and address all of these by helping you make any necessary adjustments to your environment, collaborating with your primary care physician on any contributing medications, and adding any specific drops, medications, in-office procedures or devices, or even surgeries to help stabilize the balance of the tear film and the ocular surface. We can maximize your comfort and vision.
Providing ophthalmology services including treatment for cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy to Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Wheeling, and the surrounding communities.
What is the purpose of our tears?
Most understand that the tears keep our eyes wet and smooth and wash away irritants. Some might even further understand that the tears help the front of the eye focus the light that enters your eye into a clear image for the retina and brain to be able to see. Did you also know that the tear film is full of nutrients, hormones, and antibodies to protect the eye from infection and to facilitate the uptake of oxygen from the atmosphere! Yes, in order for the cornea to remain clear to allow for vision, there are no blood vessels in the normal central cornea. For this reason, the above listed metabolites, nutrients, antibodies, and even oxygen from the environment are transmitted to the cornea via the tears. So, what happens if the tear film is inadequate in amount or quality? You are at an increased risk of irritation, redness, blurred vision, even vision-threatening infection!
What is dry eye disease?
The Mayo Clinic describes “Dry eye disease is (as) a common condition that occurs when your tears aren't able to provide adequate lubrication for your eyes. Tears can be inadequate and unstable for many reasons. For example, dry eyes may occur if you don't produce enough tears or if you produce poor-quality tears. This tear instability leads to inflammation and damage of the eye's surface.”
What is blepharitis, and how does it relate to dry eye disease?
Technically speaking, blepharitis means inflammation of the eyelids. There are multiple causes such as rosacea affecting the lids, microbes such as demodex mites, other bacterial and/or even fungal overgrowth on the lids, all leading to inflammation and irritation. Meibomian gland dysfunction, or plugging of the glands that make the oils which cover the tear film and prevent evaporation can also lead to inflammation and blepharitis. Both the resultant inflammation of blepharitis, as well as a poor quality of the lipid layer covering of the tear film, contribute to making the eye more dry and inflamed. Due to this inflammation, the eye’s ability to make a good quality tear film is further limited, and the eye becomes even drier. It is a vicious cycle of dryness and inflammation that builds on itself.
How common is blepharitis?
Blepharitis is present in anywhere between 37-47% of the population in the United States, per a 2009 survey of Ophthalmologists and Optometrists. Meibomian gland dysfunction (a form of blepharitis) is found in between 68-86% percent of all patients with dry eye disease.
Dr. Kozlov is a Board Certified Ophthalmologist who specializes in Corneal and External Disease, and Comprehensive Eye Care. She has been practicing Ophthalmology for over 20 years and has been practicing in The Northwest Suburbs of Chicago since 2003.