About Us

Our Mission

LIV Wellness Lounge provides a unique experience that engages your personal wellness and goes beyond the scope of ordinary medicine. Our top priority is for you to trust, enjoy, and be involved in the bettering of your health and wellness. Your well-being is at the forefront of driving a positive experience with each visit to LIV Wellness Lounge. Our primary goal is to have a positive impact on optimizing your health and lifestyle. With you in the driver’s seat, we are there right with you to help navigate the best treatment options that provide real results at an affordable price. Don’t Just Live, LIV Well!


Message from Our Founder


Welcome to LIV Wellness Lounge. I am honored to have the opportunity to be established in such a historic community with amazing, hardworking individuals. When designing LIV Wellness Lounge, I had one main priority, YOU! LIV is a unique, inviting, and open environment for everyone that focuses on keeping you healthy, energetic, youthful, and motivated. Your well-being is what is most important to us. Our team of specialists have made it their mission to invest the necessary time and effort needed in providing you the best possible experience from the moment you step inside our Lounge, till the moment you return back. At LIV, your health does not need to be intimidating or frightening. Together, we as a team will work towards a solution to optimize your energy, mood, appearance, health, and wellness. We look forward to having the opportunity to meet you and beginning your journey to LIVing Well.

-Sam R. Patel

Meet Our Team

Sam R. Patel, MD, MBA

Founder | CEO

Michelle Serpico, NP, MBA

Managing Director | Master Aesthetic Injector

Hassnain Syed, MD

Medical Director

Azhar Shiekh, MPA, MA

Director of Human Resources

Areeb Khan, MD

Director of Technology

Amy Smith, NP

Master Aesthetic Injector

Molly Sampat, RN

Registered Nurse

Andrea Serpico

General Manager

Elysia Coventry

Assistant Manager

Alex Lopez

Client Specialist

Haley Ikens


Rayna Lansing


Grace Honiotes


Mya Medeles

Experience Specialist

Joshua Pioch

Administrative Assistant